About The Watershed
The Watershed is Lions Bay's newest community news source, and is the brainchild of writer kc dyer.
[For more on kc, see below.]
The Watershed will regularly feature news and events from the village and surrounding area, with opportunities for discussion and comment. We will share all the good news stories we can find, cast an eye on our elected representatives at all government levels, and tackle some of the tough questions that come along with being citizens of this village and region. The Watershed will reflect all aspects of life in and around Lions Bay.
The Watershed is online here at www.lionsbaywatershed.ca,
and if you click the icons at the bottom of the page, you'll find us in all the usual social media haunts.
Once a month, a digital digest encompassing the stories that appear on the site will be sent out to readers.
We love subscribers!
And if you'd like to contribute, we'd love that too. You can send articles, contributions and story ideas to editor@lionsbaywatershed.ca
Thank you for reading!
About the publisher
kc dyer

kc dyer is an author and freelance writer who has lived and worked in Lions Bay since 1995.
For almost a decade around the turn of the century she published The Seagull, an earlier version of Lions Bay's community newspaper. You can find out more about kc's novels at kcdyer.com and findingfraser.com.
If you'd like to contribute to The Watershed, or discuss all things Lions Bay,
you can reach kc at: editor@lionsbaywatershed.ca
Thanks for reading, and welcome to The Watershed!