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Writer's picturekc dyer

A Watershed Moment...

In Which We Hit 100 Posts and Thank Our Readers

Last night, The Watershed sent out a PSA to collect up election signs for recycling, and it turned out to be a most excellent symbol to mark our 100th post.

It's been just over four months since our coverage began to flow out through the internet and into your email boxes. And we'd like to think that a post addressing both local government and caring for the earth is an apt reflection of this publication.

In that time, on the municipal front, we have covered our dysfunctional council and decimated staff, and we have addressed both the history of the village and the future – from a look back at the deadly debris torrent to the latest by-election and the budget.

On the human front, we've met local artists and athletes, welcomed new neighbours, opened the conversation on racism and bid a few friends a final goodbye. And since we are a small village in a big wood, we've also looked at our water, our earth and of course – our coastal canines.

We couldn't have covered any of these stories without the support of our readers and our advertisers. Thank you for your encouragement, your engagement and your support.

If you want to offer your comments or join the discussion, you can become a site member by scrolling up to the masthead and ringing the bell on the top left. And as always, if you'd like to contribute news stories or help support the paper through advertising, you are welcome to reach out by email to:

Thank you for reading!

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Ekkehard Goetting
Ekkehard Goetting
May 12, 2023

with your timely, unbiased, concise and extremely well written reports, Karen, I for the first time in years am taking an interest again in Lions Bay affairs ! Thank you so much


Watershed Reader
May 12, 2023

From Dave Butler:

Thank you Karen, they say” The pen is mightier than the sword” and it’s refreshing to get an unbiased point of view, other than the empty rhetoric from other sources. Keep up the good work


Leslie Nolin
May 12, 2023

Thank you Karen for bringing journalism (and facts) back to the community. The Watershed has quickly become the steadfast community news source that sticks to the facts and shares important events happening here and right now. What you do matters.


Norma Rodgers
Norma Rodgers
May 12, 2023

Thank you kc! You do the heavy lifting to monitor village events and people. It is a huge amount of work and a great resource for residents!


gail craig
May 12, 2023

Thank you Karen for encouraging, engaging and supporting everybody here in Lions Bay!

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