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Writer's picturekc dyer

By-Election Day is Here

Have you cast your vote?

The polls are open! Municipal politics have never been a hotter topic in Lions Bay than in the last six months, and the moment of reckoning is upon us at last. Countless articles, Meet & Greet events, door-knocking and sign-hammering have led up to the day we've all been waiting for.

Election shenanigans have carried on until the final moments of this campaign. Reports of election sign thefts and damage from both teams, objectionable graffiti, and heated discussions at the Council table and amongst neighbours speak to the higher-than-usual passions this by-election has stirred.

Through it all Jaime Cunliffe and Tanya Cosgrave have soldiered on, and by sometime late tonight we should know who will take their seat at the Council table.

Doors of the village hall will be open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. for all residents to cast their votes. Remember to spare a kind word for the hard-working election team while you're there.

The Watershed wishes both candidates bonne chance, and sends a rallying cry to all eligible residents of voting age – Get out and VOTE!

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gail craig
06 mai 2023

Elect a person to council who has integrity, who is experienced, impartial, unbiased and rational and who speaks the truth.


Norma Rodgers
Norma Rodgers
06 mai 2023

Also in "Metro Matters" is a link to The Watershed's article about Nai Jaffer's resignation.


douglas miller
06 mai 2023

In his "Metro Matters" article today, CBC's Justin McElroy refers to this by-election as "a referendum on Mayor Ken Berry’s tenure thus far".

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