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In addition to subscribing to The Watershed's monthly digest, you can become a member of the site.
As a member, you can set notifications so that when your [occasionally] voluble editor posts a new article, you'll be the first to know!
It's a pretty easy process, actually. When you first land on the site, in the upper left hand corner of the masthead you'll see a 'sign up' button. Push that button, follow the prompts to give some basic contact information, and voila! You'll be a site member. As with the newsletter sign-up, your information stays private, and is used for one purpose only -- to send you news and information from The Watershed.
As a site member, in addition to knowing when new articles post, you'll also be free to sign in and engage. Comment on articles, chat with your fellow readers -- join the conversation.
The Watershed will also publish letters to the editor each month [there's a great example coming up in the January issue!] but being a member gives our readers a chance to comment in real time, as the articles go up on the site. Comments will be moderated to ensure respectful dialogue, but The Watershed welcomes all opinions.
Got a thought? Let's talk!